by Hitesh Lade | May 8, 2020
This scientific article tests the effectiveness of five types of in-stream restoration structures (weirs, deflectors, cover structures, boulder placement and large woody debris) on salmonid abundance and physical habitat characteristics.
by Hitesh Lade | May 8, 2020
This design manual provides restoration practitioners with guidelines for implementing beaver dam analogues and post-assisted log structures in riverscapes.
by Hitesh Lade | May 8, 2020
This scientific paper reviews literature on natural and placed wood as a river restoration technique.
by Hitesh Lade | May 8, 2020
This scientific article reviewed published evaluations of stream rehabilitation techniques worldwide and summarized the effectiveness of these techniques for improving physical habitat, water quality and increasing fish and biotic production.
by Hitesh Lade | May 8, 2020
This scientific article breaks down the restoration planning process into steps to achieve the best outcomes for restoration.