by Hitesh Lade | May 8, 2020
The Online Watershed Library is a searchable, online database of research articles, manuals, assessment tools, and regulatory information. It is intended to save practitioners time by providing access to an up-to-date database on stormwater and watershed...
by Hitesh Lade | May 8, 2020
This systematic review assesses the effectiveness of different non-native fish removal methods, and identifies the factors that influence the overall success rate of each type of method.
by Hitesh Lade | May 8, 2020
This systematic review assesses the effectiveness of techniques currently used to create or enhance spawning habitat for substrate-spawning fish in temperature regions, and it identify the factors that impact the effectiveness of habitat creation or enhancement.
by Hitesh Lade | May 8, 2020
This scientific article tests the effectiveness of five types of in-stream restoration structures (weirs, deflectors, cover structures, boulder placement and large woody debris) on salmonid abundance and physical habitat characteristics.
by Hitesh Lade | May 8, 2020
This scientific paper assesses the use of beaver-related restoration projects in the western rangelands, finding that practice and implementation of beaver restoration has outpaced research on its efficacy and best practices.