This scientific paper reviews the effectiveness of restoration techniques intended to improve fish habitat and develops a hierarchal strategy for prioritizing them based on: (1) principles of watershed processes, (2) protecting existing high-quality habitats, (3)…
This scientific article studies the relationship between instream water temperature and ambient air temperature in southern Ontario.
This scientific paper assessed the application of key ecological attributes to evaluate status of conservation targets at Emiquon Preserve along the Illinois River.
This scientific paper identifies potential connectivity restoration projects and provides a common evaluation system for the thousands of potential projects.
This study assess the colonization of urban wetlands by Ontario’s eight native turtle species and discusses connectivity of artificial wetlands and the importance of the whole wetland complex on turtle populations.
This scientific article tests the effectiveness of five types of in-stream restoration structures (weirs, deflectors, cover structures, boulder placement and large woody debris) on salmonid abundance and physical habitat characteristics.
This literature review discusses general fish passage considerations, as well as upstream and downstream passage technologies.
This scientific article reviewed published evaluations of stream rehabilitation techniques worldwide and summarized the effectiveness of these techniques for improving physical habitat, water quality and increasing fish and biotic production.
This toolkit provides products to control invasive sea lamprey.
This scientific article provides information as to the causes of degradation of aquatic ecosystems, common concepts and approaches to the conservation and restoration of freshwater and marine ecosystems, and optimal ways to develop restoration schemes.
This scientific paper studies fish and angler use at a freshwater artificial reef in Lake Michigan.
This paper explains the Integrated Restoration Prioritization approach and its use in the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority.
This scientific article shares seven lessons learned from experiences as a research partnership, using the Ekati diamond mine in the Northwest Territories as a case study.
This design manual provides restoration practitioners with guidelines for implementing beaver dam analogues and post-assisted log structures in riverscapes.
This scientific article explores the potential for beaver relocation throughout the Snohomish River Basin in Washington with a model that identifies some of the basic building blocks of beaver habitat suitability.
This scientific paper reviews restoration practices and defines the characteristics of projects that are good candidates for multicriteria decision analysis (MCDA).
The Online Watershed Library is a searchable, online database of research articles, manuals, assessment tools, and regulatory information. It is intended to save practitioners time by providing access to an up-to-date database on stormwater and…
This scientific article tests the difference in fish abundance in riprap, sand and macrophyte-dominated substrate to determine the impact of habitat modification choices on favouring undesirable fish species during restoration efforts.
This chapter examines the fundamentals of prioritizing rehabilitation in urban watersheds, assesses rehabilitation effectiveness and how best to communicate results to multiple audiences.
The Restoration Ecology Journal provide scientific articles about terrestrial, marine and freshwater ecological restoration.
This scientific article breaks down the restoration planning process into steps to achieve the best outcomes for restoration.
This meta-analysis of restored wetland sites looks at the rate of recovery and the state of the post disturbance systems as compared to their reference conditions.
This scientific paper assesses the use of beaver-related restoration projects in the western rangelands, finding that practice and implementation of beaver restoration has outpaced research on its efficacy and best practices.
This systematic review assesses the effectiveness of different non-native fish removal methods, and identifies the factors that influence the overall success rate of each type of method.
This systematic review assesses the effectiveness of techniques currently used to create or enhance spawning habitat for substrate-spawning fish in temperature regions, and it identify the factors that impact the effectiveness of habitat creation or…
This scientific paper identifies a major gap in the transfer of knowledge between academic and decision makers involved in stream restoration for fish habitat in Quebec and suggests adopting a freedom space for river management…
This scientific article evaluates information gathered in the CanFishPass database to identify trends concerning fishways and fish passage in Canada.
The Watershed Science Bulletin is an online, peer-reviewed journal featuring practical, science-based solutions to water resource problems. The journal’s mission is to synthesize research and experience and transit it to those who need it to…
This scientific paper reviews literature on natural and placed wood as a river restoration technique.