by Hitesh Lade | May 8, 2020
This scientific paper studies fish and angler use at a freshwater artificial reef in Lake Michigan.
by Hitesh Lade | May 8, 2020
This scientific article tests the difference in fish abundance in riprap, sand and macrophyte-dominated substrate to determine the impact of habitat modification choices on favouring undesirable fish species during restoration efforts.
by Hitesh Lade | May 8, 2020
This meta-analysis of restored wetland sites looks at the rate of recovery and the state of the post disturbance systems as compared to their reference conditions.
by Hitesh Lade | May 8, 2020
This scientific paper reviews restoration practices and defines the characteristics of projects that are good candidates for multicriteria decision analysis (MCDA).
by Hitesh Lade | May 8, 2020
This toolkit provides products to control invasive sea lamprey.