by Hitesh Lade | May 8, 2020
This document details Level 2 culvert inspections and the assessment of condition of various culvert components.
by Hitesh Lade | May 8, 2020
This manual provides information on surveying culverts for type, slope, outfall height, constriction, and other physical parameters.
by Hitesh Lade | May 8, 2020
This project assessed seventy-five culvert crossings in the Kakwa River watershed. Each crossing was assigned a score that related to eight elements pertaining to erosion and sediment delivery potential.
by Hitesh Lade | May 8, 2020
These inspection procedures are intended for fish biologists to assess fish habitat constraints at culverts associated with road crossings. It encourages a watershed approach to evaluating fish habitat and restoring access.
by Hitesh Lade | May 8, 2020
This protocol developed by the BC Ministry of Environment is a systematic watershed-based process used to determine and restore fish passage at culverted fish-stream crossings.