by Samantha Lau | Jun 28, 2021
This guide document represents the culmination a planning framework conceptualized over many months of work developing Watershed Connectivity Remediation Plans in four target watersheds as part of the B.C. Fish Passage Restoration Initiative.
by Hitesh Lade | May 8, 2020
This DFO document provides procedural and technical information to ensure that engineers and other design professionals properly incorporate fish passage into watercourse crossings.
by Hitesh Lade | May 8, 2020
This document describes the importance of proper culvert design and installation for fish passage, including scheduling installation and maintenance, types of culvert design, retrofits and on-site considerations. Causes of barriers to fish passage in culverts are also...
by Hitesh Lade | May 8, 2020
This paper presents the solutions to a complex site-specific culvert project in Peel region. It breaks down the design parameters and site investigations required, the environmental constraints and the construction process.
by Hitesh Lade | May 8, 2020
This guidebook helps forest and other resource managers and practitioners to plan and implement sound fish-stream crossing practices. It includes British Columbia-specific legislative reference material and the province’s strategic approach to addressing fish passage...