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Nine hectares of new coastal marsh were created to provide more wetland habitat near the city of Toronto.

Cell 2 at Tommy Thompson Park is a 9.5 hectare wetland. Habitat features include deep pockets for overwintering fish and herptiles; in-water shoals, root wads and other submerged structures for fish reproduction; nursery and foraging habitat; aquatic emergent and floating vegetation areas; islands for Common tern nesting and turtle nesting; an isolated area for amphibian reproduction; a robust riparian area with meadow and shrub vegetation communities; and a fish and water level control structure to prevent large Common carp from entering the wetland and damaging the habitat.

Toronto and Region Conservation Authority, Carleton University and Fisheries and Oceans Canada are monitoring use of this restored aquatic habitat by acoustically tagging fish.

For more information on any of TRCA’s restoration projects, please visit